grad school, parenthood, identity crisis. welcome to the rabbit hole.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Some Days

Some days are easy. When Lena wakes up early, and walks bleary eyed into my room and crawls into bed, demanding covers. When I make us a fried egg sandwich for breakfast, cut it in two, and bring it to the table, where Lena is sitting and waiting. When I'm a little sad, or lonely, and Lena knows this, and decides to inundate me with stuffed animals and offers up a shared nap, because there is nothing in the world that cannot be cured with snuggling. Snuggling. They way that Lena asks to snuggle. Easy days. The days when Lena exuberantly talks all the way home about Jupiter's moons and how Pluto is the smallest coldest planet. They days when laughter comes easy and often. The tears that fall go away quickly. We pick ourselves up off the ground and we laugh.

Some days are hard. There are moods. Lena is angry or I am angry, and no clothes fit right and Lena doesn't want to get out of the bath and I want to go to bed. Or Lena doesn't listen and I'm impatient. And there are days when I'm a little sad and a little lonely and a stuffed animal just can't quite cut it. 

Some days are easy and some days are hard, and I'm starting to learn how to better remember, in the depths of the hard days, there are always more easy, sweet, wonderful ones to come. 

Mama said there'd be days like this
There'd be days like this, my mama said

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