grad school, parenthood, identity crisis. welcome to the rabbit hole.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

not quite

I am about to burst, burst, with the amount of things going on right now. 

I'm trying to calm myself, slow myself down. I'm knocking out a bunch of experiments. I'm reading a book before falling asleep. And I'm finding solace in some old things.

This is a poem that my friend Katie gave me when I was pregnant, and it meant so much then, but means so much more (or means something different) now.

Song For Baby-O, Unborn 
when you break thru
you'll find
a poet here
not quite what one would choose. 
I won't promise
you'll never go hungry
or you won't be sad
on this gutted
but I can show you
enough love
to break your heart
Diane Di Prima

Not quite what one would choose.

not quite what one would choose.

not quite what one would choose, but damn, things are happening.

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