grad school, parenthood, identity crisis. welcome to the rabbit hole.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween + a sick day

I mentioned before that this was the first year that Lena had a special request for what she wanted to be for Halloween.

Direct quote: "A circus queen holding a stick."

Since I think a large part of a mother's job description includes "translating obscure wants and needs of child", I understood this to mean, the ladies in the circus that like, lead the horses around the ring. And wield a sort of staff type thing.

Naturally, I made her a cape.


Really only because I wanted to try my sewing skillz. And I needed a project.

So we were all set with stick wand, cape, dress, the perfect circus queen, no?

And Lena gets sick. Lena spent all day sleeping and watching Planet Earth. And I was bummed. Only a little bit, that I didn't get to show off that I made Lena a cape, but also not so much, because I get social anxiety trick-or-treating, so here it is. Best of both worlds. I get to show off Lena's cape that I made, and no social interaction whatsoever.

Happy Halloween!

Welcome to Welcome to the nerf herders

Oh hey there, nice of you to stop by.

Here will by my adventures in nerf herding.

Pull up a chair, update your bookmarks, and stay for a cup of tea, won't you?